Top 10 Urban Legends-Debunked |  Walt Disney frozen, “Wonder Years” star as Marilyn Manson, Mikey and the Pop Rocks, and seven more myths to dispel

Best 10 Urban Legends-Debunked

01. A golden death

Top 10 Urban Legends-Debunked

PHOTO:Everett Collection

The misconception here wasn’t so much that Shirley Eaton, the actress from Goldfinger, had passed away, but rather that skin asphyxiation, which killed her character Jill Masterson, was a possibility. 007 discovered Masterson coated in gold leaf on Auric Goldfinger’s bed after she had betrayed her master to be with Bond. Because it was thought at the time that we breathed via our skin, Eaton’s torso had a patch of flesh left exposed during the scene’s filming so that her skin could “breathe.” We now know that the body does not breathe via the skin, that there is good and bad cholesterol, and that Pluto is not a planet.

02. That deathly scream

That deathly scream

On the Ohio Players’ “Love Rollercoaster,” the spine-tingling scream was so terrifying that many people thought it was actually the sound of a distressed lady. Although several ludicrous theories were put up, the most widely accepted one was that the model from the album cover had been fatally stabbed in the studio because she had been upset at the honey’s treatment of her skin. Actually, it was keyboardist Billy Beck who screamed. No injury, no wrongdoing.

03. From geek to glam

From geek to glam

Photo: Everett Collection; Getty Imagees

Josh Saviano (The Wonder Years) purportedly grew up to be Marilyn Manson (actual name: Brian Hugh Warner), maybe because we enjoy a good makeover story. Actually, Saviano went from being a geeky Paul Pfeiffer to attending Yale and becoming a lawyer. “What would you rather have, people thinking you’re a demonic rock star or a goofy child from The Wonder Years?” he said People magazine, indicating that he didn’t mind being mistaken for Manson. For me, it’s much more awesome.

04. Mikey and those Pop Rocks

Mikey and those Pop Rocks

Quaker Oats Co/AP Photo

Parents were concerned that their children would choke on the bubbly candy when Pop Rocks first came out in the 1970s. The additional gross-out, frightening element for children comes from the thought that, when paired with Coke, the sweets would cause stomach explosions. Little Mikey from the well-known Life cereal ads came to represent this type of dying. Perhaps it was because Mikey was a well-liked figure or because he would eat anything. Commercial actor John Gilchrist, often known as Mikey, has survived despite the story’s repeated debunking (as demonstrated in the Mythbusters pilot episode, Pop Rocks and Coke don’t generate nearly enough carbonation for that).

05. Felled by food?

Felled by food

Photo:Dezo Hoffmann/Rex USA

Mama Cass of the Mamas and the Papas passed away on July 29, 1974, weighing in at over 220 pounds and discovered in bed with a ham sandwich next to her. As if the terrible demise needed a little more ghoulish, there would be persistent rumors that the renowned singer had choked on her meal, even after autopsy findings subsequently revealed that the cause of death was a heart attack.

06. It’s a bird! It’s a…munchkin?

Its a bird Its a...munchkin

Around the time the 50th anniversary DVD of the iconic film The Wizard of Oz came out, there were reports that a scene in which a love-stricken munchkin committed suicide by hanging was unintentionally captured on film. Experts and others working on the film generally agree that it’s a big bird opening its wings, one of several that occur in various situations. But isn’t that a less titillating story?

07. Frozen in time?

Frozen in time

Photo:Moviestore Collection/Rex / Rex US

Why couldn’t Walt Disney have his body preserved for future regeneration to escape death? The wealthy and powerful can accomplish almost anything. Disney was really cremated following his death in 1966 and buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in California, however the first documented cryogenic preservation occurred soon after his passing.

08. The ghost in the window?

The ghost in the window

It may serve as the basis for a perspective lecture in a science class. When viewed from a distance behind a sheer drape, the same cardboard cutout of actor Ted Danson that appears later in Three Men and a Baby seems to be a young kid. The ghost of a youngster who had perished on the scene was the subject of rumors. That didn’t happen.

09. And the winner is (supposed to be)…

And the winner

Photo: Bob Galbraith/AP

After winning Best Supporting Actress for My Cousin Vinny in 1994, Marisa Tomei’s life took a turn for the worst. Soon after, there emerged a rumor that Tomei was not the real winner and that presenter Jack Palance had misread her name. (For Husbands and Wives, some claim it was Judy Davis; for Howard’s End, others claim it was Vanessa Redgrave.) A representative for the Academy clarified that there had been no mistake, saying, “It is Academy policy that if incorrect information is provided, a Price Waterhouse representative is authorized to go on stage and rectify the material.” Additionally, Tomei’s team chose to ignore it and leave well enough alone.

10. Happy accident?

Happy accident

According to folklore, the famous moment in Deliverance when two banjos play together was unplanned and instead occurred when a child standing off to the side during the 1972 filming couldn’t resist joining in on the banjo playing while he watched. Actually, it was all quite well-planned.

The film indicated that Billie Redden, a local youngster, was intellectually handicapped, inbred, or autistic, although this was just because of his appearance. In a piece of ingenious camera work, another child reached behind Redden to touch the strings as he was unable to play the banjo. When filmmaker Tim Burton was shooting Big Fish in Georgia in 2003, he simply had to include Redden in his picture since the sequence had such a lasting impact on audiences.


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