What should you do if not many people are reading your blog? 13 Quick Ways to Get More Blog Traffic.

How can you reach more people and get more people to read your blog?

Should you put more effort into making content? Or maybe take over a new social network?

Do you need to spend a lot of money on an SEO training course?

It can be hard to figure out what to do next if you want to start a blog that makes money online.

But if you want to reach more people, the truth is:

You can get more people to visit your blog without spending any money. There is an easy, step-by-step way to check your blog approach and find any weak links that might be causing your traffic to drop.

And while writing can be hard at times, getting more people to visit your site doesn’t have to be hard.

No matter how long you’ve been writing, all you need is a quick-reference list of techniques you can use right away for any blog niche or topic.

If your blog isn’t getting many visitors, read this book. It has 13 powerful things you should do.

These are the exact things I do to reach more people, get more people to read my blog, and make more money.

You’ve come to the right place if you want to find easy blog traffic hacks that really work.

You won’t have to spend a dime on marketing your blog after reading this guide. You’ll have a powerful set of techniques that have been shown to bring in tens of thousands of people every month.

Does that sound good? Then let’s begin!

How important is blog traffic?

It might be hard to understand why blog traffic is so important if you are new to writing.

Okay, I understand. I thought the same thing when I began my first blog in 2016.

I thought that if I wrote about something I liked, someday people would find my blog.

Oh, sorry, nope. That’s not how it works.

More than anything else, traffic is what you need if you want to be a great blogger and make money from blogging.

How could you make money from your blog if no one reads it?

  • Who will buy your affiliate goods if you don’t have readers?
  • Who will click on your show ads so that you can make more money from them?
  • Also, after all the hard work you put into making your first e-book, who will buy your other products?

I want you to understand what I mean:

No visitors, no money from the blog. It’s that easy.

One more thing, though, before we go on:

It will take time for your blog to get more visitors. You need to keep writing blog posts, share your content on the right channels to get more visitors, and pick the best ways to make money for your field.

So, you need to wait and try to keep your mind on the task at hand. That’s what will make you stand out from other blogs, get more free traffic to your posts automatically, and help you reach more people through organic traffic channels.

I will show you the steps you need to take. It’s great to see you!

Quick Ways to Get More Blog Traffic

What to do when not many people are reading your blog?

Whether the number of people visiting your blog is low or going down, you’re probably upset. We’ve all been there, so I know how you feel.

I started my first blog in late 2016, and over the years I’ve seen a lot of drops, rises, and terrible blog traffic.

First, you should know that a blog’s traffic that stays the same always has a reason.

So, do not worry. You can fix this for sure!

Now the question is: What can you do now?

Let me show you 13 tried-and-true methods that have helped me get more people to my blog over the years.

No one is reading your blog? Here are 13 quick, easy, and free ways to get more people to visit your blog.Click To Tweet

1. Look over your blog again for mistakes

The first thing you should do is make sure your blog is still running.

Because if your traffic drops all of a sudden, it could mean that people can’t get to your blog at all.

If you are new to blogging, I know how awful it can be when you have problems with the technology. You have a long list of things to do and a lot of things to do right now. The last thing you want to do is deal with technical problems.

But wait! Here is a quick list to make sure your blog’s most important parts are doing their job:

  1. Look at your home page:
    Type your domain name into the URL box of your browser and press Enter to go to your blog’s home page. The page should load fine, right? Is your site up and running?
  2. Check the links in your menu bar:
    Are all of the pages in your menu and navigation bars open?
  3. Look at your blog posts:
    Do your blog posts load properly? Can you see pictures and other things?
  4. Does your blog have an SSL certificate that makes it safe?
    An SSL certificate protects the traffic on your blog. When an SSL certificate is valid, your browser will show a cute little green padlock icon. Make sure you’re using a real company to run your blog, like Bluehost. To protect your website and the people who visit it, they give you a free SSL certificate. This is an extra step to make sure that your SSL certificate is still good.

Is everything okay? Good job! Let’s talk about the next point!

Don’t worry if you found any mistakes. Don’t fix any technical problems on your blog if you don’t know what you’re doing or don’t feel safe doing it.

Talk to the company that hosts your blog and ask for help. That’s why they’re there.

It’s better to be safe than sorry and let tech help fix your blog, even if it’s just having a technical problem.

2. Write fresh blog posts

When your blog doesn’t get much traffic, the most important thing you should do is write new blog posts.

People who read your blog and Google both love new information. The more blog posts you write, the more likely it is that Google will see them as authoritative and send more people to your blog through search results.

How often should you post new blog posts, then?

It’s not a hard and fast rule here. Most of the time, more is better, but you need to be honest here.

Keep things the same. So, make a marketing plan that you can stick to for months or even years.

Every day doesn’t need to have a blog post. If you don’t have time, don’t do it even once a week.

That being said, you have to be steady. If you can only write a new piece once a month, that’s fine. You and Google will both know what to expect that way.

It seems like a chore to write new blog posts.

Here are three simple ways to get things done faster and write blog posts more quickly:

  1. Always keep a list of blog post ideas.
    Use Google Sheets or Trello to keep your list up to date. When you plan your posts ahead of time, you know what to write about and that each one has a purpose. This makes you less stressed.
  2. Do things in groups:
    Pick a subject you want to write about, come up with 5–15 ideas for blog posts that relate to that subject, and write them all at once. Make a list of the things you want to talk about in each blog post, and then use my complete guide to writing blog posts to always come up with the best ones.
  3. Don’t let anything else confuse you.
    This is very important! Turn off your phone and email notifications so you can concentrate on what you’re doing.
  4. Use the Pomodoro method:
    Setting a timer for 25 minutes at a time and focusing on your work for that whole time is the Pomodoro method. Take a 5-minute break when the timer goes off, and then start the next 25-minute span.

Read my guide on how to write blog posts faster for more ideas.

3. Make old blog posts new and up-to-date to Get More Blog Traffic

It’s clear that writing great blog posts as often as possible is the best way to get more people to visit your site.

But I know you’re busy, and it takes a lot of time to write new blog posts.

Luckily, you can get more people to read your blog by changing and improving the posts you already have.

Google loves content that is up-to-date, very thorough, and covers all the important points for a subject.

Because of this, you should keep going back to past blog posts to make them even more useful and helpful for your readers.

Here are four quick ways to make your blog posts better:

  1. Pay attention to your best content:
    Look at your Google Analytics to see which blog posts get the most views. If one blog post gets 1,000 readers a month and the other only gets 30, you should focus on the first one, right? It just shows that there is a lot more room for more business. Keep your top 5 blog posts up to date and make sure they cover everything a reader might want to know about the subject.
  2. Change the posts on your blog:
    Delete any parts of each blog post that are out of date or don’t belong there. Google your main term and look through the first five results. What do they talk about? Does your blog post lack something?
  3. Make fresh images and screenshots:
    Make sure you use enough screenshots and photos to make your writing more useful and easy for your readers. Making your how-to guides and step-by-step lessons better by adding new screenshots is a simple thing that you can do.
  4. Change links that go out:
    If you put links in your blog post that go to other websites, make sure they all work and are still useful to your readers.

4. Link your blog posts together to make them more useful.

It’s time to connect your blog posts now that they are up-to-date.

When your readers want to learn more about a certain subject, you add a link to another blog post that covers that subject. This makes it easier for them to find the information they need.

Since we’re already talking about interlinking, which is an important part of search engine optimisation (SEO), I’ll add a link to my full guide on what SEO is and how blogs can use it to their advantage.

Linking to other pages is just a way to give your readers more worth and information.

This makes it more likely that people will stay on your blog longer. This makes your blog more profitable and helps you get more people to sign up for your email list.

5. Look over your topic plan

Okay, your blog posts are now up-to-date and linked to each other.

Finally, look over your content plan to make sure it’s helping you reach your writing goals more quickly.

The phrase “content strategy” sounds fancy, but it only means one thing:

Your blog posts should help the people you want to read them by giving them useful, important knowledge.

In the end, the Internet is where people go to get answers to their questions and find useful information, right?

Also, you should think about who you want to help when you start your blog. That’s the group you want for your blog.

People like those are who you want your material to reach. Because of this, you need to know exactly what your readers are having trouble with and how your blog posts can help them.

I can’t stress this enough: all of your content should be geared towards that one group.

Your content plan will be a mess if you write about food, fashion, travel, beauty, and home decor on the same blog.

Writing about a lot of different things on one blog won’t help you get better. People who read your blog will be confused, Google will have a hard time figuring out what it’s about, and you will waste time studying too many things at once.

Because of this, you won’t get good at any of them if you try to do too many things at once.

So, if you haven’t already, read my free guide on how to find the people you want to read your blog.

Then, use these simple tips to get a lot of people to visit your website.

6. Do research on your keywords

It’s time to choose the exact keywords and search phrases you want to write about once you have a good idea of your content strategy.

Since the truth is:

Every blog post you write should be about a different issue or question that your readers are having.

There’s an easy way to find your keywords: just type in some of the problems your readers are having and hit “Search.”

This step will be a lot easier if you used my guide to find your ideal customers.

You should imagine what your readers are going through:

  • What do they type into Google?
  • What are they trying to find out?
  • What are they having trouble with?
  • What exact kind of material are they looking for?

If your blog is about travel tips, for instance, you need to be very clear about who reads it. Sure, not every trip tip will work for everyone. Tips for a single traveller in Ireland are different from those for a young pair travelling together.

For this reason, couples might look for “travel tips to Ireland.” On the page with the search results, pay close attention to the part with related questions:

On Google’s search results page, you can find related questions people are asking about the topic.

On Google’s search results page, you can find related questions people are asking about the topic.

People who read your work need help with these questions!

Check out the list of related terms at the end of the page as well:

On Google’s search results page, you can find related questions people are asking about the topic.

You can find further, related keywords at the bottom of Google’s search results page.

Along the same lines, these are common search terms that you could write about!

This is the fastest and easiest way to come up with great themes and blog post ideas.

Slowly go through at least 10 to 15 well-known subjects and come up with a few questions and keywords that are related to each one. You should have enough thoughts to write for a few months now.

7. Go after long-tail terms

Okay, so it’s pretty simple and straightforward to find keywords on Google with simple search terms.

It’s too bad that’s not the whole story.

Some keywords may be very hard to rank for on your blog, depending on the area. So even if you write the best and most in-depth blog post ever about that subject, Google might never send anyone to it.


Because there may already be a lot of competition for that keyword from other, more trustworthy and reliable websites.

It’s usually hard to get a good ranking with broad terms that aren’t very specific.

So, if you want to write a blog about “fashion for women,” Google will put big companies and online shops at the top of the list.

It’s not impossible, but it’s very unlikely that your blog post will ever be at the top of the search results.

What should you do now?

You should write about more targeted, more specific keywords instead of broad, general terms like that.

Long-tail terms are what I mean.

If your keyword is long-tail, it has three to five words or more, which makes it more detailed and exact.

Let’s keep talking about “women’s fashion.” Yes, that is a short-tail term, even though it has three words.

People who look for “fashion for women” might be interested in a lot of different things, such as

  • Summer clothes for women
  • Women’s high fashion styles
  • Women’s clothing sales
  • Women’s shoes, etc.

Can you see how different these topics are?

It’s less likely that your blog post will give people the exact information they’re looking for if the term is short.

That will help you rank better if we make it a long-tail term.

You might write about:

  • “cheap fashion tips for women over 50 wearing out”
  • “affordable shoes for women with heel fasciitis” and “affordable workout clothes for women”
  • Can you see how these longer keywords automatically appeal to a more specific group of people?

Your keywords should always be important to your audience and your content strategy as a whole, of course.

Every blog post should, ideally, give your readers more value by building on what you’ve already written. That way, it will be easier to link your blog posts together and give your guests even more value.

8. Go after terms with little competition

Google has helped you find popular keywords in your area so far. You know a little about long-tail keywords and how they can help you rank higher and get more people to your blog faster.

But there’s one more catch:

It’s not always easy to rank for long-tail terms. (Aww!)

In fact, there may already be a lot of great content in your blog area from big magazines and news sites. Thus, you need to pick your keywords with even greater care.

How do you know which long-tail keywords already have a lot of spam?

It is important to use a keyword research tool that tells you how competitive each term is.

There are a few simple keyword tools you can use, but I always go with KWFinder. Mangools, one of the best SEO tool companies in the world, made it as part of their SEO workflow package.

Do not forget to sign up for the free trial version of KWFinder here if you are not already.

You can look for a short-tail or long-tail term you want to write about after setting up your trial.

Let’s say you write a blog about how to save money and live within your means. There are people who read your blog who want to find ways to save money on groceries, so let’s look for that phrase:

You can use KWFinder to get a list of similar keywords along with their monthly search volume and keyword difficulty.

Of course, fewer people look for long-tail keywords than for generic keywords. If the exact keyword is in the title of your blog post, people who are looking for long-tail keywords are also more likely to check it.

Come back to KWFinder. Before you sort the list by monthly search traffic, look at the “KD” column to see how hard the keywords are to find.

KWFinder rates how hard a keyword is on a range from 0 to 100. It’s easier to rank for a phrase when its value is low:

Most of the keywords on the list have a KD value between 40 and 60, which means it’s hard for new writers to rank for them.

But there are two keywords on the list that don’t get a lot of traffic:

  • grocery saving apps – KD value 28
  • apps to save money on groceries – KD value 28

To make a long story short, these two keywords are the best ones on this list if you want to get more people to your blog through Google.

It helps me find the right terms for my blog posts. I run my blog post ideas through their tool to find the keywords with the least amount of competition before I start writing.

I don’t want to spend all that time and effort writing great blog posts that no one reads. That makes sense, right?

Use this link to sign up for KWFinder for free. Find as many low-competition keywords as you can during your free trial!

9. Tell Google Search Console about your blog.

Okay, so you’ve found a few terms with little competition. Good job!

You should let Google know about new blog posts as soon as you post them.

If you don’t, it could take a long time for all of your blog posts to show up in their search results.

So what really should you do?

You might already know what Google Analytics is. Analytics is all about what people do when they visit your website.

The things people do before they even visit your website are even more important.

This means where your content shows up in Google’s search results and what words people use.

This is what Google Search Console does for you.

You can get an idea of what Search Console does by looking at a summary of:

  • How many times has Google shown your work in search results?
  • How many people have gone to your site from another one?
  • Which keywords bring in the most visitors?

So, here are some ways you can use these ideas:

  • To find low-hanging fruit, look for blog posts and keywords that have a lot of promise.
  • You can move blog posts from Page 2 to Page 1 of Google’s search results, which will greatly improve your chances of getting visitors.
  • Finding regular patterns and trends in how well your search engine works overall.

This means that if you haven’t already, you’re probably missing out on a lot of free blog traffic.

You also have a way to tell if your blogging approach is making your Google traffic better or worse.

You can think about what to write about for hours, but how can you know what to change if you don’t know how your content is ranking?

This free guide will teach you how to use Google Search Console like a pro.

10: Check out your Pinterest page

When people don’t visit your blog, you should check each of your traffic sources again.

And unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know that Pinterest is a great way for blogs in all kinds of niches to get more visitors.

Blog owners can get Pinterest promotion tips from Pinterest Home Feed.
Every month, more than 400 million people use Pinterest to get ideas for everything from home decor and scented candles to do-it-yourself projects and arts and crafts with kids.

How many people visit Pinterest every month?
You already know that I love Pinterest and am kind of an expert on it if you’ve been reading my blog for a while.

If not, take a moment to read my incredibly detailed Pinterest marketing strategy guide. It’s for anyone who wants to get a lot of free traffic to their blog.

But whether you’re new to Pinterest or not, your profile and account are one of the most important things to keep in mind when your blog doesn’t get much traffic.

Set up your profile properly to get more people to see it.

Here are four simple ways to make your Pinterest page better:

  1. Pinterest is a search tool, so find the right words. For this reason, you need to use the right buzzwords in your Pinterest plan so that people can find your posts.
  2. Use a clear, well-lit picture of yourself:
    In Settings, you can add a picture to your page. If you can, use a clear, bright picture.
  3. Use terms in the name and description of your profile:
    The most important places to put keywords in your biography are the name and description. It should be clear what your account is about, who you want to help, and how your material helps them.
  4. Check out your boards:
    Are your Pinterest boards useful for the people you want to reach? Have you used important keywords in the names and descriptions of your boards? Find out everything you need to know in my Pinterest boards guide.

For better SEO and marketing on Pinterest, use buzzwords in your name and description.

As an easy way to improve your Pinterest SEO, put your most important keywords in your profile name and description.

11. Make brand-new pins for Pinterest

After you’ve fixed up your Pinterest profile, you should make some new pin images and post them to the boards that are most important to you.

I understand how hard it can be to design and make new pins, especially if you’re not sure of your design skills.

But the truth is that Pinterest really likes new pins. If you don’t write many new blog posts, you should still make new pins for the ones you already have.

It’s helpful to find a smooth process that you’re comfortable with for making your pins. This will make your life easier.

Here’s how I make pins that get a lot of people to visit my blog:

  1. For all of my pin pictures, I use Canva:
    Canva is a free web-based drawing tool that you can use right in your browser. After signing up, you can start making your first pins right away.
  2. All of my pins are straight up and down:
    Pinterest says that normal pins should be 1,000 pixels wide and 1,500 pixels tall. But because they work well in my field, I often make pins that are 1,000 pixels tall.
  3. I always use the same set of colours:
    When people look through Pinterest, your pins should stand out in the feed. Pick a colour scheme that works for your niche, business, and audience.
  4. My pins have my name on them:
    Add your image, blog name, or website URL to your pins to make them your own.
  5. I leave a lot of time between pins so they don’t look like spam. Pinterest doesn’t want you to post twelve pins all at once and then not post any more pins for two weeks. That could set off their spam filters, which would then mark your account as junk and shut it down. Instead, you should constantly post new pins to reach more people more quickly. So I don’t have to go to Pinterest every day, I use Tailwind to plan my pins ahead of time for one to two weeks. These days, Tailwind has a free plan that you should definitely use.

Check out my free guide on how to make popular pins like a pro for even more tips.

Best practices for Pinterest marketing: how to make the right pin image
To get more people to your blog faster, make sure you follow Pinterest’s best practices for making pins.

Check out my editable Pinterest templates for Canva if you want to save time and make dozens of beautiful pin pictures in minutes:

You can use the Viral Pinterest Template Pack for any niche, and it only takes a few clicks to change the colours, photos, and text inserts.

With the Minimalistic Pinterests Template Pack, you can really show off your beautiful photos in niches that focus on pictures, like fashion, beauty, home decor, or building.

Not sure if these themes will work for you? Please tell me what you think in the space below! I would love to answer any questions you have.

Simple Canva Pinterest templates for writers and content creators – Product preview
You can make beautiful, tempting pin images in minutes with the Minimalistic Pinterest Template pack.

12: Make a free email list.

It’s time to talk about email marketing now that we’ve looked at your content plan and traffic sources.

Yes, if your blog is brand new, you might not have an email list yet, which is fine.

Why now should you start one?

Because you should start building your email list as soon as possible after you start writing.

People often say that the money is in the list when it comes to writing.

With email, you can talk to your fans right away. It’s the best way to get to know your audience better and find out what they’re having trouble with.

Those thoughts are very important if you want to make even more useful and helpful content for your readers.

Taking care of your email list also helps you build trust with the people who subscribe to it. People who trust you are also more likely to buy things from you, like affiliate goods.

Before you say, “Oh my gosh, I don’t have time for this,” hear me out:

It doesn’t have to be hard to start your email list. It’s free, too.

To start getting people to sign up for your blog’s email list, just follow these three easy steps:

  1. Join an email marketing service you can trust:
    Convertkit is what I use because they have a plan that is always free for up to 1,000 users.
  2. Make an easy form to sign up for emails:
    With Convertkit, it only takes a few clicks to make email forms.
  3. Put your form to sign up in your blog posts and sidebar:
    Don’t forget to let your readers know they can sign up to get special content from you often.

Goodbye! I told you it would be simple…

If you haven’t already, read my free step-by-step guide on how to start an email list and start making money faster with your blog.

Not yet set up your email list? Join Convertkit today and get a plan that is free forever.

13: Wait your turn and don’t change.

Finally, let’s talk about how to think about growing your blog and making money from it.

No matter how long you’ve been writing or if you’re new to it, the truth is:

Building a great blog takes a lot of work.

Blogs aren’t a quick way to get rich, so you need to set practical goals from the start. You might get upset if you don’t see the results you want, which could make you give up writing for good.

Not at all. I’m not telling you to give up on your hopes and become a cynic.

I mean that you should know what your long-term goal is, break it down into smaller steps, and then work your way through each one.

If you set a goal and try to work towards it without knowing your steps along the way, you will get stressed and not know what to do next.

That’s why you should stick to a reasonable, regular blogging plan that includes everything we talked about so far.

As you blog, you do a lot of things that all connect to each other.

It’s important to always have a clear picture of your to-dos and your work. It will be easy to keep track of your goals, see how far you’ve come, stay motivated, and stay on track.

Here are 13 things you can do when not many people are visiting your blog.

Let’s quickly go over what you should do when not many people are visiting your blog:

  1. Make sure there are no mistakes on your blog:
    Check to see if your blog page works. Are there any problem messages that show up when you look through your articles?
  2. Add new blog posts:
    Google and your fans both love new blog posts that are full of useful information that people can use.
  3. Change old blog posts: Make sure your blog posts are up-to-date and cover everything your readers want to know more about.
  4. Link your blog posts together: When it makes sense, link your blog posts together to help your readers find more related articles.
  5. Look over your topic plan:
    Do not write blog posts that are not related to your blog’s topic or the people you want to read it. Instead of trying to be good at a lot of things, it’s better to become a master in one small area.
  6. Use Google to find similar keywords and see what questions people are asking about them.
  7. Try to find long-tail keywords. These are better for ranking because they are more detailed.
  8. Focus on keywords with little competition. Clear out terms that are hard to rank for with a keyword research tool like KWFinder.
  9. Use Google Search Console. This free tool will help you understand how well your content does in Google’s search results.
  10. Check out your Pinterest profile. By optimising your account, you can reach more people and get more free traffic to your blog from Pinterest.
  11. Make brand-new Pinterest pins: Use my Viral Pinterest Templates or Minimalistic Pinterest Templates and the free Canva design tool to make beautiful pins in minutes.
  12. Get on an email list. It’s where the money is. Convertkit is the email marketing tool I use most often. You can begin for no cost and set up automatic email sequences to grow your list and earn the trust of your followers.
  13. Wait; becoming famous on your blog won’t happen right away. You can do this, though! Do what you need to do and don’t be too hard on yourself. One thing at a time, and keep getting better at your game.

What to do when not many people are visiting your blog

When people don’t visit your blog, this free guide is full of ideas for what to do. It can be hard to keep track of what you need to do next when you’re a writer because you have to do a lot of different things.

So, I hope this article gave you some good ideas for how to better grow your blog little by little.

Don’t forget to work on one thing at a time. Do not try to handle too many things at once. That will only make you feel stressed out.

So, pay attention to where you are now. What’s the hardest thing about your blog right now?

Do you find it hard to write content, get people to visit your blog, or make money from your content?

What ever it is, please tell me about it in the comments! Feel free to share your ideas and questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

The next thing you should do is read my step-by-step guide on how to start making money from blogging.

I share everything I’ve learned as a blogger over the last few years in that piece. I also give you practical tips you can use to turn your blog into a successful online business. I’ll see you in the book!

Here are a few related posts you might want to read, too:
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The Easiest Way to Make a WordPress Blog SEO Friendly 2024
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